

Episode 2 Punishment Awaits: The House of Fortune Is The Monster Mansion. A part



U:= ウサギ、Teacher:= ウサギの学校の先生、N:= ナル(ウサギの友達)、Umi:= 海野(ウサギのクラスメート)、Q:= クイーンベラ、J:= ジェダイ、PM:=紫パンツの男、C:= 占い店のお客さん、L:= ルナ、Balm:= バーム、T:= タキシードマスク、CM:= ウサギのクラスメート、For:=占いのおじさん、M:=モトキ


A パート

U: Hi! I'm a Usagi Tsukino, and I'm a fourteen-year-old midlle school student. I'm a Cancer with blood type O. My birthstone is a pearl and I'm aittle of a klutz. So people might say I'm also a little emotional. So, one day, this strange cat named Luna appeared, turned me into a Guardian in a sailor uniform, and told me I had to fight bad guys!  Boy, does that ever make me nervous! But I'sure it'll all work out fine! 


C: Come ! Hurry up!


C: I hear that this guy is really good!

C: Yeah, me too. He's even been on TV a couple of times. So. 

C: Oh no! Look at this long line! 

J: Hmf. Foolish humans.

Q: What? You still have not found the Legendary Silver Crystal?! 

Ghost: No.

Q: Then you must search harder! The great ruler needs massive amounts of energy and can't be kept waiting! 

Ghost: As you command.

Q: Jadeite. 

J: Yes. 

Q: As I'm sure you've heard, the Legendary Silver Crystal has not been gound. So I want energy to be harvested from humans instead. 

J: Rest assured, I've already taken care of it.


U: Ummh...

L: Time to wake up! 

U: Augh...

L: oh, no you don't!

U: Ergh... I... can't breathe... 

L: How do you expect to succeed in our mission lying down?!

U: Aww...

L: Atta girl!

U: It's already past eight?! Why didn't you wake me up early, Luna? Now I am totally late for school! 

Tearcher: Guo Umino. 

Umi: Here!

Tearcher: Kenji Ohta.

Ken: Here.

Tearcher: Takayuki Kamikawa.

Taka: Here.

U: Shhh! 

Tearcher: Yuji Kimura.

Yuji: Here.

Umi: Well, hello and good morning to you, Usagi!

U: Ghkk!

Tearcher: You go straight to the hallway!

Umi: Why exactly are you out here with me?

Umi: Oh, well, because you know, it's actually a little difficult for me to explain.

U: You're such a weirdo.

Umi: Yeah.

N: So, what did you want to talk about?

Umi: I want to go on a date with Usagi! She's my dream girl! I want to exchange diaries with her! And talk to her parants about our future together! 

N: Hum? Ha ha ha! That's not gonna happen! 

Umi: Guaah! 

N: Sorry, but I just don't think it'll work if you ask her sraight out. 

Umi: So I should be stealthy and go for a surprise attack! 

N: No, you silly. I say you go and ask a fortuneteller what you should do!

Umi: Well, in that case, I already have the answer.

N: Huh?

Umi: This "fortune telling game" I have was based on an idea of mine.  This says that Usagi and I are supposed to get married and live happily even after! See, it says "Happy Coueple!"

N: I'm not talking about a game! I'm mean going to a real fortuneteller!! 


Umi: Oh, I see.

N: You know, House of Fortune just opend in the Juban District, and I've heard that they're really good. So why don't you go there and give them a try? 

Umi: Yeah!

U: Huh? What going on? There's usually a really long line of people here. 

For: You're right, but now I have competition.  

 U: Huh? Houes of fortune? It's so flashy! What is that place? 

For: Well, that is the new "House of Fortune." 

U: What? So do they do fortune telling there, as well? 

For: Yes. And everyone wants to go there because it's new. Huh?

U: Well I want You to read my fortune! 

For: Why of course. Hmm. I can tell there's a boy that likes you right now. And it's someone you see all the time.

U: A boy I see all the time likes me? Could it be him?! 

Too bad, it looks like he's not here yet. Hmm...

M: Hey, Usagi!

U: Whaaa!

M: That's what I call perfect timing! I'm just about to start work.

U: Hi, Motoki what a coincidence!

M: Hey, the Sailor V game just it came in! You gonna be the first one to give it a try?

U: Yeah.

Come on, come on, come on, yeah, come on, come on! Aw, come on! Die, die, die! Yes! Ha ha ha! Ohhh! Wha? Aw... Game over!?

M: That's a pretty hard game, isn't it?

U: Yeah, sure is!

M: I'll tell you what: let me show you some tricks.

U: Oh, no, let me--

M: It's on me. Okay, now watch me carefully. See nice you get there, you have to get that special item. See? Now I have it, it'll give me the power boost I need...

U: My heart's pounding like crazy! I'm in heaven!

M: You got it? Then you just keep shooting.

U: Ahh... Luna?! What are you doing here?!


M: Oh! Luna? That's her name, huh?

U: Yeah.

M: You know, I've seen her around a lot lately I wonder if she's a stray.

L: Hrm!

U: Hey, what are you doing? Cut it out!

U: All right! All right, already! I'm going, I'm going! Let go! Well, see you.

M: But you're still right in the middle of your game!

U: I'll come again. I'll be waiting.

M: Every time that I see you, it alwasy perks up my whole day, Usagi!

U: Nice! Way to ruin the moment.

L: I thought you were supposed to go straight home after school?

U: Well, yes. I mean, tec??(ここ字幕切れてわからず)

L: You're not getting it. You need to listen to me. Your mission is of the most importance!

Where are you going now?!

U: I'm going to go see that fortuneteller again, about my furture with Motoki!

Huh!? No! I'm too late. Ah. I should probably wait to ask the guy who did my fortune before, but... I want to know right away!

L: Just what are you uo to, Usagi?

U: Uht! Nothing! Nevermind! Wait, I know! I'll tell my own fortune to decide where to go!

Heads, I go to the guy I saw before. Tails, I go to the House of Fortune!

L: Hm?

PM: Ow!

U: Uh, oh...  It's that stuck-up guy again.

PM: You need to watch where you're throwing things, bun-head!

U: Is that all you can say? 

PM: Well, how about this: why don't you try acting more like a lady for a change.


U: Rgnnnn! 

Thanks for the advice! Bleeh!

Ahhg! And I was so happy, too!

L: Hmm? 

U: Who does he think he is?!

Balm: Now then,

Umi: Awesome

Balm: Look deep into my eyes. 

Umi: Ohh...  Ohh? 

Balm: You have now become a charming servant of the devil.  And whatever whim pops into your head, you can do it without any fear at all.  

Umi: I understand completely. I can do whatever want to do. 

Balm: Soon I'll begin collecting energy for my master. 



  1. Cancer 癌?なぜいきなり癌が出てくるのだ?と思ったけれど、蟹座という意味らしい。自己紹介で星座や誕生石を言うのって昔だったら当たり前だったのかな?今はめったに言わないよね。(!)コメント参照
  2. pearl パール。真珠という意味らしい。カタカナでも通じるが、こうやってアルファベットで見るとわからないものだな。
  3. How do you expect to succeed in our mission lying down?! lying downの意味がとれず、訳せなかった。lying downは「横になる」という意味らしい。なので、「横になりながら、どのようにして我々の任務を成功させるつもりなんだ?」的な訳になると思う。(!)コメント参照
  4. Atta girl! スラングで、良くやった! 的な意味になるらしい。
  5.  stealthy  内緒にとか、人目をはばむ 的な意味らしい。
  6. stray 迷っているという意味らしい。
  7. Cut it out  やめてとか、いい加減にして という意味らしい。
  8. perks up  元気になる という意味らしい。
  9. stuck-up guy  高慢な男 という意味らしい。
  10. And I was so happy, too! これは訳はわかるんだけど、状況的にあっているのか不安だったので載せた。「そして、私はとても幸せだったよ!」という意味だと思うけど、皮肉で言っているのかな。(!)コメント参照
  11. Who does he think he is  これはフレーズで、「何様のつもり?」という意味になるらしい。(!)コメント参照
  12. whim pops into your head  whimは、気まぐれ という意味らしい。なので、全体で、「ぱっと頭に浮かんだものは」という意味になると思う。