

Episode 2 Punishment Awaits: The House of Fortune Is The Monster Mansion. B part



U:= ウサギ、K:= ケンジ(ウサギのお父さん)、teacher:= ウサギの学校の先生、N:= ナル(ウサギの友達)、Umi:= 海野(ウサギのクラスメート)、Y:= ユウジ(ウサギのクラスメイト)、J:= ジェダイ、L:= ルナ、Balm:= バーム、TM:= タキシードマスク、CM:= ウサギのクラスメート


B パート

K: Hey, Usagi! 

U: Huh? Dad! What are you doing, shopping? 

K: Yeah, I got home early for a change, and decided to help your mom by runing some errands.

U: Oh, Dad, that's really sweet of you! 

K: Well Mom does take care of everything around the house. This is the least I can do.

U: Ah, I bet Mtoki's considerrate like Dad is. 

K: By the way Usagi.

U: Huh?

K: What are you doing out so late? Come on, let's go home before your Mom gets worried.

U: Sorry.

K: Usagi, what's with that cat? It looks to me like it's trying to follow us home.

U: Oh, that's just my friend.

K: Hmm, Okay, I guess that's only slightly strange. 

L: Hmph.

N: Has Umino said anything to you yet?

U: What do you mean? About what?

N: That he likes you. Like, likes you likes you.

U: Whaaa!

N: But he's so shy that he can't bring himself to tell you.

Umi: Usagi, let's go on a date.

U: What's happend to you?

N: Umino, you can't come to shcool out of uniform like that!

Umi: Who cares? Usagi, let's get go way.

U: Going where?

N: Wow, someone's gotten a little overconfident all of a sudden.

Teacher: Umino! What is with that outfit of yours?!

Umi: Heh!

Teacher: Speak up! Is this some kind of joke?

Umi: Hmph.

Teacher: Ahhhh!

Umi: No, that was a joke! Ha ha ha!

Teacher: Baww! Oh, I'll never live this down!


Umi: Ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Teacher: Ngh! That's quite enough out of you!

Umi: He he ha ha ha ha ha!

Teacher: Whoa! Rrrgh! What are you doing, Yuji?! 

Y: I think you'd better learn to walk and talk more quitly in class.

Teacher: What did you say!?

Umi: Ha ha ha ha ha!

U: What? Umino went to the House of Fortune?

N: Yeah, I told him all about yesterday. I think that Yuji went over there, as well

U: Hmmm.

U&N: Huh?

TeacherM: Hey! What do you think you're doing! You're all in big trouble! Yagh!

Umi: You think an incompetent teacher like you can boss us around? Think again!

Y: Yeah, let's teach him!

ClassMate: Heh heh heh heh heh!

: Ah ha ha ha ha. Yes, keep causing trouble! 

J: Ah, the rebellious energy of youth. Mn hm hm, ha ha ha ha!

U: Hey, stop that!

N: What do you think you're doing?!

Umi: Hey, Usagi.

U: stop saying my name like that!

Umi: How about a kiss?

U: Wahhhh, I can't stand you like this! Wahhh! I can't stand you! Waahhh!!

Umi: Come on, let's get out of here, guys.

U: Waahhh!!!

L: I'm sensing some dark energy coming from those kids.

N: It's okay, they're going now.

U: Phew, I feel better now.

N: Haugh.

U: Umino tried to kiss me?  What is he thinking, acting like that?

L: You have to listen to me, Usagi, something evil is trying to stir up trouble.

U: So Umino and the others?

L: I'm sure that they're being controlled.

U: I wonder if it has anything to do with that House of Fortune?

L: What?

U: Umino has been acting really strange ever since he went to that place.

L: Nice one! Good job figuring that out! 

U: You could reward me with more goodies like that the brooch you gave me! 

L: I take back what I just said Let's go! 

U: Errm, am I gonna have to fight again? Sounds kinda scary.

L: Would you come on already? Time to teansform! Uh! Go on!

U: Do I have to?


L: Yes, you have to!

U: Heh heh heh heh heh! Hrrm! Okay! Eeehehe! I kinda forgot! I say what?

L: Just say, "Moon Prism Power Make Up!"

U: Oh, right! That's it! He. Moon Prism Power Make Up! 

Balm: All of you have done an excellent job so far. Now go and tear up the rest of this town!

Umi: Yeah!

Yuji: Sounds like fun to me!

U: You know what's worse than being rude and damaging things that aren't yours? People who think nothing of other people's feelings, that's what!

Bam: Who's there?!

U: I am the pretty Guardian who fights for love and for justice! I am Sailor Moon! 

Balm: Sailor...Moon? 

U: And now, in the name of the moon, I'll punish you! 

Huh. Hey, that alomost hit my face!

L: Hello, that's because she was trying to hit it!

U: Oh, yeah you're right.

Balm: Go get her!

CM: Hu hu ha ha ha!

U: Oh no, not this again!

CM: Raaa!

U: No! 

CM: Ehehe! Heeheheh!

U: That's it! If you come any closer, you're really gonna get it!

CM: Haa! Heee! Heheheh.

U: Ahhh!

Balm: Agh! Aaahhhh

CM: Heeheehahaha...

U: Mmmh...Huh? Huh?!

Balm: Someone else get in the way?! Who is it no!

TM: Heh. 

U: Tuxedo Mask! Sweet!

TM: No matter how bad things look, you must never, ever give up!


U: Okay!

TM: And now farewell! Until we meet again!

U: Oh, thank you! Bye Tuxedo Mask!

Balm: Haaaagh!

U: Oh, she's mad. 

L: Come on! Sailor Moon, focus! Use your tiara!

U: Oh, yeah! That's right!

Balm: Hraaaa!

U: Huh?

Balm: Haah...Ha ha ha ha ha!

U: Yah!

Balm: Raahh!

U: Moon Tiara...Action!

Balm: Waagh! Augghhh!

J: So, Balm, you failed me.

U: Haa! I did it!

Umi's: Huhh?

U: See you later, guys!

Umi: What?! I lifted up Ms.Haruna's skirt? Seriously? Oh, no no no!

N: Plus, you also demanded a kiss from Usagi! Oh, and you broke a window in one of the teacher's ofifices. Huh? Hey, whrer are you going, Umino?

Umi: Augh, well All that is left in my life now is despair.

U: Good mornig!

Umi: Guaah! Usagi! Ahh! Yesterday, I, Uh...

U: Listen, don't worry aout it! 

Umi: Yes! Your're right. I shouldn't worry so much! After all, you're always okay when you get a bad grade on a test, aren't you?

I should be more like you!

U: Augh! He has no idea what I went through! Ah! I'm late! Ahh! 





  1. runing some errands  お使いに という意味らしい。
  2. Speak up  二つの意味があるらしい。「大きな声で話す」と、「(自分の意見などを)はっきり言う」。状況的に考えて後者だと思う。
  3. I'll never live this down!  live down で「忘れる」という意味らしく、この文だとその否定なので、「(自分の受けた恥ずかしい思いを)絶対に忘れないだろう」的な意味になると思う。
  4. enough out of you! out of you で「君から出てくる」という意味があり、enoughtで「十分」という意味になるらしい。 なので、状況を考えると、「いいかげにしなさい!」的に訳せると思う。  
  5. You think an incompetent teacher like you can boss us around? Think again! これはわからない。bossには「監督する」という意味があるらしく、like 以下は「あなたは我々を監督できる」となり、前半は「あなたは無能な教師を思う」となると思う。疑問文の単語がないが、疑問符がついているから、全体として疑問文になるとすれば、「お前のような無能な教師が俺たちを監督できると思うか?」となると思う。(!)※参照
  6. youth  若者たち という意味らしい。
  7. stir up  掻き立てる という意味らしい。
  8. take back  取り戻す という意味らしい。状況的に「(さっき言った言葉を)取り消すよ」という訳になると思う。
  9. tear up  引き裂く という意味らしい。