

Episode 4 Learn How to be Skinny From Usagi! A part



U:= ウサギ、L:= ルナ、Dad:= ウサギのお父さん、Mam:= ウサギのお母さん、Bro:= ウサギの弟、N:= ナル(ウサギの友達)、CM:=ウサギのクラスメート、H:= ハルナ(ウサギの学校の担任の先生)、J:= ジェダイト、RG:= ゴトウレイ(女優)、Gym's:= ジムの従業員


A パート

U: Mmm. Yaaahhh!!

L: Huh?!

U: Aww oh, no! I've put on weight! I'm so out of shape!

Dad: It's okay! People look better with a little meat on their bones. Especially when they're young.

Mam: Daddy's right, hon.

Bro: You know what your real problem is, Usagi? You eat way too much!

Dad: You could probably stand to get more exercise, too.

Mam: And she does spend more time eating than studying!

Usagi's Family: That's why you've gained weight!

U: Ouch! You don't have to be so harsh...

L: There's no point in crying. Just try to cut back on weigh! That all?

U: Okay.

L: And it couldn't hurt to get a little more exercise.

U:Mm-hmm. Uh? What's that, Luna?

L: It's you in six months!

U: What?! That's not funny, Luna! I'm gonnna get you!

L: Yaaahh!

N: Hmm? Where's your lunch?

U: Ulp! Oh, well, uh....

Umi: Usagi! 

U&N: Huh?

Umi: Sounds to me like you forgot bring your lunch today! Here Have mine! It' delicious.


U: No thank you.

N: I see! So you're on a diet now, huh?

U: Mm-hmm.

CM1: Me,too. I know you how feel. It's really hard to stay fit.

U&N&CM: Oh, is it?

CM2: Usagi, why don't you try swimming? It's a good way to stay fit.

U: Mmhh...

N: That's won't work. She's no good at it.

CM:2 Too bad.

CM1: I've tryed things like fasting and eating pineapples to lose weight. But none of those fad diets ever last for very long.

U&N&CM: Oh, they don't?

CM2: I think that the best diet is falling in love, because then you want to look good.

CM1: Have you ever been in love before?

CM2: No...

U&N&CM: No kidding.

CM1: That's right... Hey, wait, what do you mean by that?!

CM2: Listen you're just born the way you are, and there's noting you can do about that.

CM1: You know, you of all people are one to talk!

CM2: What?!

CM: Grrr!

U: Auhh!

N: Actually, speaking of which, did you notice that Ms.Haruna is looking really fit lately?

U: How's she do it?

N: I don't know.

H: Good morning, everyone!

U: She doesn't look much different than she did before.

Umi: You can't tell with that dress on, but here, have look at this. Here's a "before" picture. And here's "after" she started working out. 

U: Oh, wow! 

Umi: And it took her only two days!

N: Uh, Umino, how'd you get these pictures?!

Umi: Well, that's a trade secret.

N: Oh, yeah?

Umi: Yes?

N: Just tell us how you got the photos!

Umi: Err.

N: Spill it!

Umi: Uh.

U: Tell us!

Umi: Yahhh!

U: Hey! Come back here! Where are you going??

N: Hold it, Umino!

Umi: Pheww! I shouldn't have opened my big mouth...

U: Found you.

Umi: Guaaah! Okay, I admit it!

Umi: I followed Ms. Haruna and took those picures with my camera...

U: I don't care about that stuff! I just want to know the name of the gym where she goes to work out!

Umi: Hu... oh...

U: Shapelin! This is it! Miss Haruna's gym!

N: I don't know, looks pretty expensive.

CM: Hey, look! Isn't that Rie Goto, the actress?! She's so pretty!

RG: Exercise hard, and you can be in great shape! And it just a few days, you'll be beautiful, too! We can all get into shape together! And you don't have to spend a fortune, because at Shapelin, We're currently offering a free trial!

U: Huh! Free trial?!

N: Can't get any cheaper than that!

CM: Let's do it! Come on!

J: More fools enter our lair. There's no such thing as a free lunch, girls.

U: Good thing we brought our gym clothes!

N: Time to get in shape!

CU&N&CM: Ahh!

J: Welcome to Shapelin. Are you new members?


U: He's cute!

N: I love his glasses!

J: I'm one of the instructors at this gym.

U: Oh, uh, we should tell you that this is our first time here.

J: Great! Just come this way.

N: Mmmm! Hnngh!

U: Mmmhh! Mh!

Gym's: Come on, let's see two more!

U: Awww!

Gym's: Good! But now let's pick up the pace.

CM1: What?! Aahh...

J: Keep it up! Push yourselves to be fit, and all of you will end up gorgeous!

N: Where's Usagi?

CM2: Huh? Un rowing machine, I think.

J: Now don't slack off! You want to be beautiful, don't you? I can already tell you have so much potential.

N: Right! Beatuiful, beatuiful, beautiful! I'm going to keep working out till I become beautiful!

J: All right! That's enough for today! You worked really hard! So as a reward, come step into the Shape Ray, the pride of our gym.

N&CM: The... Shape Ray? What is that?

U: Oh, my muscles! I never knew it was possible to be so tired! It is tough getting fit! Ah, I'm so hungry.

J: Step in here.

N&CM: Uhhh... 

J: Keep in mind that a mere five minutes in the Shape Ray, and you'll be the fittest that you've ever been in your entire life!

N: That's it! I bet that's how Ms. Haruna got that fit in just one day.

CM1: I'm going in!

CM2: Yeah!

N: I will too!

J: Heh. Ah, the young and succulent energy of girls.

Q: Jadeite! 

J: Yes. I'm here, Queen Beryl.

Q: Jadetite, report!

J: No need to worry. We are continuing to gather a large amount of human energy for our great ruler.

Q: I see. Then proceed as planned.

J: Right! These foolish women are determined to lose weight no matter what, so I'm sure that this plan will be a complete success.

N: I... feel so....

CM1: So tired...

J: Isn't that a small price for how attractive you all will become?

CM1: Yeah!

CM2: It is.

N: Totally!

J: And if you come, back tomorrow. You'll become even more stunning.

N&CM: Okay.

J: It's so strong, the enegy of these girls who'd shorten their lives for their "ideal" body. Ha ha ha ha ha!




  1. fasting  断食 という意味らしい。
  2. fad diets ファドダイエット 意味は、一時的に流行りのダイエットということらしい。
  3. you're just born the way you are 全体で「あなたが持って生まれたもの」という意味になるらしい。
  4. you of all people are one to talk!  you're one to talk!で「お前が言うな」という意味らしい。you に of all peopleがついているから、「みんなの中でもあんたが言うか」と訳せると思う。しかし、この場面の女子中学生の談笑、文字起こししてもあまり意味が分からなくて、DeepLに頼ってしまった。※参照
  5. You can't tell with that dress on  まず、tell が「(物事などが)わかる」という意味で、dress on が「服を着る」という意味らしい。全体として「その身なりではわからない」と訳せると思う。
  6. trade secret 企業秘密 という意味らしい。
  7. Spill it! spill が「こぼす」などの意味で、これはフレーズで「白状しろ」という意味になるらしい。※参照
  8. lair 隠れ家 という意味らしい。
  9. There's no such thing as a free lunch 英語のことわざで、「タダより怖いものはない」という意味らしい。
  10. slack off  だらだら するという意味らしい。そういえばエピソード1でも海野が言っていたような気がする。もともと、slack は緩めるという意味らしい。
  11. succulent  水分の多い とか、瑞々しい という意味らしい。
  12. Isn't that a small price for how attractive you all will become?  訳し方がわからず。たぶん Isn't that a small price の部分が「小さな値段じゃないか?」と訳せて、後半は「あなたはどれほど魅力的になるだろう」ということだから全体として「みなさんが、どれほど魅力的になるかを考えれば、安い対価じゃないか?」と訳せると思う。 ※参照